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Install Mechjeb

  1. Can't Install Mechjeb
  2. Kerbal Space Program Mechjeb


I just recently started with KSP just before the .23 patch (so initially I was using .22) and I'd installed the 2.1 version of Mechjeb after having started a game in career mode and I was not entirely surprised that mechjeb never worked (And had planned to create another game to play with it). Well I then promptly installed one add-on to many and KSP .22 stopped being able to finish starting up.

Can't Install Mechjeb

So I took that as a sign I should just wipe this copy and install the new .23 version fresh. So I did and then installed the main add-ons I had been using: L-Tech Science Parts (For more science gizmos), KW-Rocketry, B9 Aerospace, KAS, KSPX, and Mechjeb (Assuming it would work this time). Well I start a new game in career mode again (I like the increased purpose) and the only 'early' part from mechjeb is the AR202 module, so I add that on to a bunch of designs and I figure I'll see the mechjeb button/window this time like in the videos. However I don't see anything besides the standard UI.

Mechjeb install folder

The AR 202 module takes power and selecting 'control from here' has no effect. So I look outside and check the plugins folder and that has only 2 dll files: mechjeb2.dll and LtScience.dll. The LTScience one works as I have all the extra Science modules when the parts are researched, but the UI for mechjeb does not.

Mechjeb 2 ksp

Am I just missing something?


Installation of this plugin is the same as most other KSP plugins and is as simple as copy files into the right location in the KSP Application structure. Below are some Detailed Steps:
1. Extracting the Zip file to a temporary location
Take the downloaded file and extract it to a temporary location. You will end up with a folder that looks like the below:
The first step to installing an addon is to locate the KSP folder in your computer. This is where KSP keeps all of its files, including your game saves and screenshots. The KSP folder is located where you unzipped it when you first downloaded the game. The folder looks like the below:
3. Installing the Mod
Simply copy the files from the GameData source into the GameData folder in the KSP Game folder. As shown below:
Your Game folder will now look like this. And you should be able to start KSP and use the Alarm Clock

Kerbal Space Program Mechjeb

MechJeb 2.6.0 for KSP 1.2.2. CurseForge Register Sign In. Kerbal CurseForge. Projects Mods Shareables.